Commercial Activity Centres Strategy, November 2015

The Commercial Activity Centres Strategy, November 2015 (the Strategy) has been developed to ensure that Shepparton Central Business District (CBD) remains the primary focus for retail and commercial investment in the region.

The Strategy identifies the relationship between economic activity, population levels, demographics and social sustainability of activity centres. By understanding these relationships, the Strategy provides guidance on the level, type and timing of growth that can be supported in each activity centre without compromising the role and function of the Shepparton CBD.

The Strategy has been informed by an extensive consultation program with a variety of key stakeholders, Council departments and the general public. Additionally, the Strategy undertook an in-depth economic and demographic analysis to project the future retail and commercial needs of the Municipality and broader region over the next twenty years.

The Strategy was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 16 February 2016. 

For more information contact Council’s Strategic Planning Branch on 03 5832 9700.