Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II 2020

City of Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage I, 2001
The City of Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage I (HSI) was prepared by SOMA Design Partnership Pty Ltd in 2000 and 2001.
The study included the identification of 135 places of cultural heritage significance across the entire municipality. In addition, a brief Thematic Environment history was prepared. The study did not include a place citation report / datasheet for each place, nor were photographs of the identified places provided.
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II, 2004
The Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II (HSII) was prepared by Allom Lovell and Associates Pty Ltd in 2004. HSII incorporated the earlier research and findings of HSI. It included a comprehensive review of each place identified in Stage 1. An additional 90 places were also identified as places for further investigation. In addition, an assessment of an additional six sites identified, while this study was in progress, was undertaken independently by Heritage Concepts Pty Ltd. The assessments were of five log structures and a Scotch Kiln, which were subsequently incorporated as Volume Six of this study.
The recommendations of the study were implemented through Amendment C50 to the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme, which was approved by the Minister for Planning on 27 September 2007.
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage IIB, 2009-2010
The Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage IIB (HSIIB) was prepared by Heritage Concepts Pty Ltd in 2009 and 2010.
This study identified additional places for further investigation. The study also made recommendations for the conservation of places of post contact cultural heritage significance to the City of Greater Shepparton.
HSIIB was implemented by Amendment C110 to the Planning Scheme on 3 October 2013.
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage IIC, 2017
The Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage IIC (HSIIC) identified and investigated places of significance across Greater Shepparton and had a particular focus on rural areas. HSIIC identified 180 places across Greater Shepparton to be of heritage significance including five new precincts in Dookie and Murchison. Amongst other things, HSIIC recommended that a Heritage Overlay be applied to these places to conserve them.
Following a lengthy consultation period, Council adopted HSIIC at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 19 December 2017.
Amendment C205gshe implemented the findings and recommendations of HSIIC in the Planning Scheme in November 2021.
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II 2020
As part of Amendment C205gshe, the recommendations of HSII, HSIIB and the HSIIC have been amalgamated into one document: the Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II 2020.
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II 2020 (Pages: 1 -18)
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II 2020 (Pages: 19-79)
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II 2020 (Pages: 80-103)
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II 2020 (Pages: 104-214)
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II 2020 (Pages: 215-1,611)
Greater Shepparton Heritage Study Stage II 2020 (Pages: 1,612-2,163)
Victorian Heritage Register
Places of State significance are listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. Greater Shepparton currently has several places that are included on the Victorian Heritage Register. Visit the Victorian Heritage Register website for a list of all places within Greater Shepparton of Victorian Heritage significance and a statement of significance for each. If your property is identified as being included on the Victorian Heritage Register you must contact Heritage Victoria for permission for any development proposals or works.
It should also be noted that although Heritage Victoria is the responsible authority in this instance, you may be required to apply for a planning permit from Council under other provisions within the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme.
If you have any queries, please call the Building and, Planning and Compliance Department on (03) 5832 9730.